PS3 Tools

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HFW 4.91 Download to USB PS3UPDAT.PUP

Evilnat CFW PEX(CEX) 4.91.2 Evilnat Cobra 8.5 Download to USB PS3UPDAT.PUP

Evilnat CFW D-PEX(DEX) 4.91.2 Evilnat Cobra 8.5 Download to USB PS3UPDAT.PUP

WebMAN MOD Download

FileManager v1.41 Download

Thank you PS3Xploit Team: esc0rtd3w (Debugging & Testing) | habib (Reverse Engineering & Debugging) | bguerville (ROP, Javascript & Debugging).
Thanks to
DeViL303 for your support at the DNS Project. Thanks to DeViL303, Pink1, esc0rtd3w, Berion, ShaolinAssassin, Demon Hades, lmn7 and 0_obeWAN for the HAN Toolbox and Massive thanks to the PS3Xploit Team & Joonie for all the hacks. Many thanks to xerpi for porting the memory leak exploit to ps3, zecoxao & Joonie for their early & renewed support, mysis for documenting vsh/lv2, SSL for his regular & precious advice, kakaroto for the PS3 IDA tools, naherwert for scetool, Rebug Team for producing/updating the only CFW adequate to develop this work & Cobra team for sharing their CobraUSB source, thanks to Elperator, the psdevwiki team of course, STLcardsWS for his long standing contribution & ever constant support
We also wish to thank all the ps3 community hackers/devs, past & present, who directly or indirectly helped us put this project together, you know who you are...

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